![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:26 • Filed to: Coffee | ![]() | ![]() |
Couldn't wake up. Snagged some from the pantry and sweet Cthulhu I am awake. I'm 19 and never had coffee before Iand I am jittery and I can down two NOS energy drinks and not get this jittery wtf O.O
![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:28 |
energy drinks don't do much for me, but, man, 20+ ounces of coffee, and I'm levitating off my chair. Shortly afterward, my stomach feels nauseous for several hours, only soothed by eating something (and then it comes back)
![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:29 |
Also, read this
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/articl… (or just the abstract) And then keep in mind red bull has 80mg per can. This survey (in australia) found that 12.3% of the espresso's tested had more than 167mg caffeine per serving, with one outlet dishing out 214mg cannonballs. Not crazy 'quad shot' monstrosities. Just double espresso's.
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First one's free, kid! Heh heh.
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I see what you did there
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Ya pretty much
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I don't drink coffee. I do drink tea. An addiction to energy drinks for a while, but I found 100% fruit juice worked just as well, without the caffeine dependence/withdrawls/headaches.
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I still don't drink coffee. I like to think I am in the 1% of graphic designers who don't drink it.
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o.o odd I just had bad gas from it so far
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Can I get some cars now to make it a cars and coffee?
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Ditto. I do tea, but not coffee. Coffee makes me feel like somebody is repeatedly kicking me in the stomach.
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Really, I'm a programmer and this is my first cup. you are the 1% lol welcome to the life.
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I drink iced tea thats it really.
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I would but I dont like the taste of hot tea for some reason.
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You should try chugging it down, you'll feel like your having a heart attack.
Last year at work one morning I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I drank 2 complete cups in like a 3 minute time window. I thought I was going to die. Heart racing, head spinning, the need to take up parkour coursing through my veins.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:39 |
XD well then! I did that with NOS before. SO MUCH FUN DRIVING!
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What's strange is that there should be way more caffeine in the NOS than in the coffee...
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I'm sure I will cave eventually.
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sub Marijuana for coffee while watching :]
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Maybe its the different concentration of it also you gotta take into account of how its made
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I love coffee in desserts though, which is counter intuitive.
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caffiene is a laxative, essentially.
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Tetley tea bag, some semi skimmed milk and a spoonful of white sugar.
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Maybe on a big project you gotta do.
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I don't know if overloading your metabolism with simple sugar is any better than caffeine.... but also it does something very different. The sugar is like dumping gasoline on smoldering coals, caffeine is like adding a bellow. Caffeine actually stimulates brain function by reducing the hindering affects of adenosine and increasing metabolic functions. Sugar does something very different. Rather than counteracting adenosine, it floods your body with excess glucose, causing a cellular feeding frenzy where your body starts trying to use as much of the sugar as it can while your Pancreas is like "OMFG! WTFBBQ". The bad part is that a lot of that sugar is wasted, stored as fat, etc... excess caffeine isn't stored, but it can kill you.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:49 |
hmmm, Ill try that some time
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Have some excuses to join the cool kids.
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Can't disagree, can only state how it worked for me. Neither is good for your overall health.
I don't wake up in the morning craving juice, millions of people wake up in the morning and can't function without coffee which I think is a serious issue. It's still an addiction, just one you can satisfy very easily/cheaply/legally.
I drink far more water than anything else these days, the energy drink/juice phase was when I was doing crazy work hours with little sleep when I was in my late teens.
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19 and wearing a watch? Not bad.
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Programmer? First cup of coffee? How have you survived!? My dev team goes through a few pots a day.
*Dir of Net Ops here.
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I think it's due to where the energy hits you. I know Red Bull has taurine in it which goes to your brain while coffee just hits your heart with caffeine. Somethingsomethingchemicalsboring just wait for the coffee fueled shit.
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I'm a beginner. Still in school. Nothing big yet. Though I must say A lot of programming is coming easy to me.
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But I've got some cras for you.
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They can't function without coffee because the average person has terrible sleep patterns and idiotic work schedules.
Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, actually canceling out the tired feeling... not stimulating like most people mistakenly believe. The reason it works so well for so many people is that they didn't get quality sleep, thus not clearing out the adenosine in their systems. This is why a cup of coffee makes them suddenly operate as if they had a real nights sleep. The problem is that the adenosine is still there and will catch up with them later on.
There are also health benefits to caffeine such as cancer prevention/reduction, boosts to brain health, etc, but they generally get cancelled out by the massive amounts of sugar people typically consume with the caffeine. Really if someone could make caffeinated water that tasted good without sugar, the world would be much better off.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 11:59 |
There is no way you are a programmer with that keyboard.
*edit* - unless of course I'm mistaken and just don't recognize the keyboard. Looks pretty stock trash to me though. You should swap to something with mechanical switches, or at least try one.
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There's a reason it's called Go-Juice in certain circles... my theory is that caffeine in coffee is in a more natural form than what's in sodas and energy drinks, therefore the body accepts it more readily.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 12:01 |
Its the schools keyboard
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Ah carry on then. Nothing you can do about that!
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I would never drink energy drink, that stuff is like a dozer through your system. Coffee however is healthy. Of course with lots of milk and sugar, less so, but a good blend of coffee has a lot of good stuff in it. So go ahead and change wake-up drugs.
![]() 10/16/2013 at 12:07 |
That is a good sign if its coming to you easily.
I trained in Programming before switching and while i know the gist of it. I am much better at reversing it to find problems.
Good Luck!
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Thanks! I hope to be doing something video game related or just something in programming
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Nope! none at all
![]() 10/16/2013 at 14:17 |
Hahaha, reminds me of the first (and only) time I ever smoked weed. The people I was with told me "Duuuuude, I wish I could get as high as you are again..."
First time is always the best time.